Monday 28 February 2011

DPP Assignment 4

Spent the last two days getting together images for the work on the book cover for Assignment 4. I had some grandiose plan using a whole series of images to create a montage that would be used as the book cover. Although it finally came together I was not happy with it because it was over complex and fussy. Decided to abandon the whole idea and start again. Not a complete waste of time because I was able to practice some long forgotten skills in producing the montage and also new one's using the latest software.

Should I have been better at planning? The answer is probably 'yes'. I think what happened was that I was carried away by the technical challenge instead of concentrating on the final product. I was doing it because I could rather than because it was needed. I find this a not uncommon problem with me particularly where there is no looming deadline and I can spend many an hour lost in the complexities and enjoying the satisfaction of resolving problems. I lose sight of the goal and, to continue the analogy, spend my time in the centre circle displaying my ball control skills when all that is needed is a big hoof into the net.

I am going to keep things clear and simple and already have chosen the image that I am going to use. It is ideal for a book cover because it a strong image that has direct relevance to the chosen title (it is not an actual book). There are very few if any ethical considerations apart from why I chose the image rather than others and the message that I am trying to convey.

Here's hoping.

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