Monday 25 July 2011

DPP Assignment 5

Spent much of yesterday taking more photographs for the above assignment. Have firmed up on the project with a working title of 'Man and the Coast'. The intent is to show, within the limitations of the 10 - 12 photographs, how Man has impacted on the Coast through his use of the opportunities that it presents and his attempts to mitigate the dangers that are present.

Given that none of us that live in the UK are never more than 80 miles from the Coast, have a long maritime history and for many of us childhood memories of a 'day at the seaside' it is of general interest to most. From a personal point of view I am of an age where summer holidays were spent somewhere on a beach in Britain and therefore have a whole range of memories, some good and some bad. Over the there have been some significant changes not least the impact of a growing population that has demanded greater use of the resources of the coastal strip whether it is the very obvious building of nuclear power stations or the gradual creep of the provision of facilities, including homes, that are possibly destroying the very thing that people seek by going to the seaside.

I had hoped to discuss this with my tutor but as he is away for the next month I have decided to work on the project with the intention of completing it over the next 5 or 6 weeks. If there is a chance to discuss it all well and good but given other commitments there is no time to change the thrust of the project.

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