Thursday 28 July 2011

DPP Assignment 5 - Processing the Images

Not usually my favourite pastime but it seemed to go well today. Tried a new workflow using the methods available in the Camera RAW facility that comes with Photoshop. Have used this for a number of years without thinking about whether the tried and tested was really using the software to the full. Viewed a couple of training videos that featured areas that I had not previously considered and after putting them into practice was pleased and amazed by the results. Just goes to show that we should be wary of staying within our comfort zone.

Reviewing what I have done so far for Assignment 5 there are one or two gaps that I need to fill and some parts that need to be tweaked. I suppose it is one of the delights of the work that we do for the assignments that there is time to re-visit the work already carried out and see whether our original thinking still holds or whether the work suggests other paths that need to be followed. (I have just re-read the last sentence which made me realise that I am fortunate that my time is my own and that I can use it largely as I please to get the result I have in mind). It will be interesting to see if the final product is close to my original plan.

As I am now able to 'see' the end of this Course (assuming that I pass) I have turned my thoughts to the next  step on the road to the BA Hons degree. Have decided for my final 1st Level Course to take an elective Course looking at the effect Culture has on the way that we see things. It is something that I have been interested in for a long time and feel that it would be of benefit in my photography.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a very interesting assignment Cedric: I look forward to seeing the completed pictures at some point. I will be very intrigued to hear how you get along with the visual culture course.
