Tuesday 13 July 2010

Colour Wheel 2

The review of the material I collected at Blickling Hall demonstrated that in nature finding a 'pure' colour is almost impossible. All flowers/plants that I was able to find were never just one colour even in a relatively small area and were usually a combination of a range of the same colour. For example whilst we may describe a flower as 'orange' or 'yellow' closer viewing revealed that there was a whole range of shades in between the two. I was fortunate in finding a leaf that had consistent colour across its surface although shifting light did change this to a certain extent.

Although I am still looking it seems almost inevitable that most objects I photograph will be of man-made colours either through paint or dyes.  Although I have examples of a variety of materials there is no escaping the fact that, apart from the case of the leaf, they are all the product of man.

At the time of writing I am still searching but the project has reached the stage where I feel that I am gaining very little for a great deal of effort.

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