Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Colour Circle

Having been discouraged from taking pictures of doors to complete this project, and as I felt that staring at nail varnish and lipsticks was likely lead to some awkward explanations to the store staff, I decided to try cultivated plants as they offer a very wide range of colours.  I did realise that very few, if any, would be displaying the colours required but at least I thought it would be a start.

I knew from previous visits that Blickling Hall, a National Trust property in Norfolk, has very good gardens and indeed I was not disappointed. At the time of writing I have yet to sort out the colours I photographed and see their proximity to the primary and secondary colours but I feel that there was potential so watch this space!

Then good fortune shone upon me. I turned into the walled garden and there in front of me were four waste bins in four different colours, red, green, blue and purple. Sometimes you get really lucky when out pursuing photography and that day was one of those days.

However still got plenty of time to complete the project and the more I have thought about things the more ideas have formed. It certainly has made me think about colours in a different way.

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