Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Vertical and Horizontal Frames

My natural tendency is to take 'tall' images using a vertical format and I very rarely give it much thought when taking photographs. As required in this exercise I took both a vertical and horizontal shot of the same subject matter. I did them in succession i.e. without moving my position as I could see very little advantage in taking 20 vertical shots and then returning to do 20 horizontal shots. (Is there one?). 





  Of the first two images my view is that the horizontal frame provides the best result. The only dominant feature is the hut and this 'sits' better in the image placed in more of its surroundings.

The second set of images is less obvious and would depend upon the message that the photographer was trying to achieve. The second image is suggestive of the impact upon the countryside of wind turbines and this view is added to by the presence in the image of the electricity pylon.

The third pair, I believe, shows the marked difference a vertical or horizontal frame can have on the way that the image can be interpreted. Neither frame is better or worse than the other and I find myself switching between the two deciding which is the one that I prefer. 

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