Yesterday evening (12.05.10)I spent about 3 hours with members of the Norfolk Photography Group seeing and commenting on possible submissions for RPS distinctions. This was an opportunity to see other peoples work and equally importantly to listen to why and how they had produced the work shown. The photographs ranged from those that were most likely to be submitted to those that were the start of a long project. There was one panel of 15 photographs ready for submission for an Associateship assessment. I have had the privilege of seeing this panel grow from a tentative start, through a workshop assessment by experts in the genre of photography being used to the finished product. A journey that has taught me a great deal both about photography but also the human input both from the photographer and the 'audience'. The outstanding lesson learnt is the photographer has very little or no control over how the viewer sees his work which can lead to some interesting and at times heated discussion.
Started my day (13.05.10) dipping into the book The Photograph by Graham Clarke (1997). Heavy reading!! Not too sure that the underlying philosophy is sound but this may become clearer as I read more. I'll let you know'
Sent off my profile to my Tutor.
I then opened the Folder and actually began the Course. At the time of writing I have completed the task 'Focal Length and Angle of View'. Not too sure what it was supposed to achieve as it seemed a statement of the obvious. Whether this is because I have some experience of photography and the effects of different focal lengths or I missed the point completely is a matter for discussion. On a more positive note I did use my camera in a thoughtful, controlled and directed way with a specific purpose that is in a stark contrast to my usual method of pointing and using the camera like a machine gun.
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